Moscow - Paris motorcycle trip
ver1.0.0 from Dec15, 2002
This is a story about our motorcycle trip that we performed in September-October, 2001.

The goal of our trip was: to find a second-hand Russian motorcycle Ural (but in good condition)
and cross the Europe from Moscow, Russia to Paris, France.

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The crew:

Xavier Pardessus,
French photographer. The inspirer and sponsor.
Alex Prokhorov,
Russian IT manager. Organizer and assistant.


Our motorcycle: URAL with sidecar. Chassis - 1991 (second-hand), motor - new one, 650cm3, water-cooling.
Distance: ~3500km.

The first idea of such trip was proposed by Jacques P, but he and his friend where unable to join the crew at that moment. The friend of Xavier was also unable to arrive to Moscow in September, 2001, so Xavier arrived absolutely alone and with out any knowledge of Russian language and Russian motorcycles. I mist add that before he has some experience

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