We woke up at 7am. I took the bathroom and began to pick up the stuff. Xavier went to the bath later, so I was first to be ready.
We decided to adjust the brakes on out transport. I began to take off the film and Xavier starts to filming this on his Lomo camera (which we bought in Moscow). At one moment Xavier notice that a small screw fall down from his camera. He decided to come home to adjust it.
I finished to uncover our motorat, wait Xavier for some time and decided to go upstairs also. I found Xavier, creeping on the bedroom and looking for a screw. He told me, that he decided to screw up it on the bedroom, in case it fell down and he could easily find it. So, the screw fall down, but Xavier couldnt find it.
I decided not to get nervous on Xavier and went to the kitchen to have some tea. I was closed to finish my tea, when Xavier appears and told me that he found the screw in the sleeve of his shirt. I proposed to go, but Xavier decided to visit the rest room. So, I finished my tea.
We spend some time, trying to adjust the breaks, but without great success. Finally, we thought that everything is ok, and we come back home to pickup the stuff.
When we arrived to the flat we meat Hubi (she just woke up) with here boyfriend. While we have breakfast in the kitchen they making love in the bedroom.
After breakfast we meat Hubi again and she was surprised that we are still here. We pick up the stuff and go down to our motorcycle.
When we already put all the stuff in to the sidecar, I saw the oil on the back wheel. We begins to explore, where this oil coming from. We spend rather long time, but still could not understand this. Finally, we decided to stop thinking about where this oil coming from and keep on driving.
First, we peek the photos. Then we cross all Berlin. At one moment Xavier stopped. He told me that there no breaks at all.
We stopped and take off the back wheel. Then we open the breaks pad section. All breaks pads were in oil. We take out all the oil from the breaks chamber, clean up the breaks pads and replaced the stuffing-box. We spend rather long time for this operations. After we decided to drive forward.
At one moment we where closed to overheating. We stopped at BP (British Petroleum) station. There we understood that nevertheless the breaks are still getting hot. We made then little bit more free. Bought some food and eat it. After eating we discussed what to do. Shall we keep on driving forward (we where already late to reach Xavier friend in Düsseldorf) or turn back. We decided to drive forward.
We are on highway. Sometimes I could see the 120km/h speed limit, but nobody cares. We passed about 34km, when Xavier starts to turn to the side road. When we stopped their near the bus stop we saw a smoke from the back wheel. I decided to check the temperature and touched the wheel with the finger. The skin immediately became white! (that was outside part of the finger, so not a big problem).
Xavier seems to be panic little bit. We decided to unmount the wheel again. Also, Xavier proposed to install the special self-made spring to prevent the breaks pads from horizontal movement. I spend some time to made this spring and than together we install it. We spend several hours for this (in sum).
In one moment, the car stopped on the opposite side of the road. A gay get out the car and approach to us. There a lot of badges where on his jacket and most of then about motorcycles. So hi looks like a member of a motorcycle club. He proposed to help us. This gay talk with Xavier for some time and the gay left a phone number of Michael. Later Xavier understood that this was his phone number and name. As we understand that gay has a shop or workshop with motorcycles. When the gay left us, Xavier suddenly realized that he was not enough respect with him, during the conversation, used each time you instead of You (in Russian and in German there are different world for familiar and more official address). I told Xavier to stop thinking about this.
Xavier get in to the motorcycle and said that he is going to check him (to drove about 2km). I was keep siting at the bus-stop and Xavier ride the motorbike to check it. While I was siting at the bus-stop I finished our food (just left a small piece for Xavier).
When Xavier comes back he told me that the breaks are still getting
little bit hot during he drives. Xavier decided to call his friend to Düsseldorf
and inform him that we will not arrive today. And Xavier wanted to call
Hubi & Silka to tell them that we are coming back (what a surprise
for girls!). When Xavier toke out his phone he found that the battery was
empty and it doesnt work. So, we used my phone. Hubi was not at
home and we left a message for here on the answering machine.
We start out back way to the Berlin. Its already rather dark. We stooped
somewhere to check the breaks. They are hot but Ok. Keep on driving. Next
we stopped at the trucks stop.
I dont remember why, but again we decided to unmount the back wheel. May be because Xavier thought that the breaks slowly but getting more hot. So, we spend a lot of time on this truck-stop.
In one moment, we just push our motorcycle (the engine was turn off and we didnt press the breaks) and Xavier turn the wheel we found that the back wheel begins to block. Before, when we drove directly on line we never admit this. After this we found that the back wheel was not installed absolutely vertical. It has a small incline. So, when we began to turn the breaks pads begin to touch the body.
Xavier got an idea to completely release the back breaks and use just front breaks and breaks on the side car. So we did this. It was about 10pm when we decide to come back to Berlin.
I filled very tiered. But I think that Xavier was even more tiered, because at the end he managed everything by him self, and I just help him sometimes.
So, we rich the Berlin. One time we missed the turn (its intrusting, but I remember that we should turn here). I asked Xavier to stop near Macdonals, because I was very hungry. Xavier said that he in principle would not visit the Mac. He bought some pizza.
Then we arrive to Hubi&Silka house. We park our motorat and take off all stuff.
We found Silka at home. We joking, that we cant left Berlin, without showing here photos. We drink some tea, check out the photos and when to bed, because we was very tired.
Xavier was not in a mood. He completely disappointed in Russian motorcycle Ural and said that he dont want any more to participate in such trip any more (we have some plans for next summer with Vitali, our main technical assistance in Moscow).