Xavier woke up very early. He was very quick to put on his clothes and left the Berlin on motorcycle. I help him but after fell asleep again. I heard how Silka woke up and also left a flat. While I was alone I occupied the bathroom. While I was there Silka comes back and together we have a breakfast. During our deliberation talk Xavier comes back. Its seems that he really get up very early and we begins or breakfast rather late.
Xavier was happy! He shine like a star! He told us that we arrive to that guy (25km away from Berlin, near the Poland board) but as usual he didnt help him. But then, he found the breaks problem solution by him self! He just replaced on detail in the breaks mechanism (that detail looks like L letter. There are to rods attached to each end of this detail and it rotates around the axis, with is in the middle (in the corner of L). This rods responsible for the different moment they transfer from breaks pedal to breaks pads. Xavier just replace this L detail, so more long part of L now corresponding to other rod (which before was correspond to more short part). As result, the free wheeling for the breaks pads was increased. Now, In non-pressed pedal position they now didnt rub against the wheel and because of more long free wheeling they have enough space to block the wheel if you press the break pedal.
Xavier said that we could continue our trip immediately and I have to pack my stuff immediately.
I began to collect my things and Xavier at the same time have a breakfast. I put on my travel stuff and I was completely ready when Xavier arrived and instead of collect his stuff he began to write letters and post cards. I have nothing to do, but take off my travel jackets and wait him. Finally, every letter was finished. We said good buy to Sikla (we still didnt saw Hubi and she still didnt know that we back to Berlin) and move our stuff to motorcycle.
During this movement we lost the map, which Xavier wrote at home on the plastic bag. Directly on road Xavier made a new one and install it on the tank, on the motorcycle. So, we start. First we throw letters in to the post box and than we drove to the high-way.
The rain begins. The tire on the back wheel again become flat. We arrived to the parking and stooped there to change the wheel. The rain became more strong. We installed the new camera (we checked it before) and the new tire. After we assemble the wheel it doesnt keep the air. (this mean that we damage it). We have one more chamber (the last one). At this moment the police car stooped next to us. He begins to help us (Unbelievable! Can imaging this in Russia!). We assemble the wheel and its OK! Its keeps the air and presser! When we install the wheel on motorcycle the rain was finished.
Xavier decided not to drive on the high-way but to select the small roads. (He said that we are to slow on the high-way. He is right we could drive only at 80-90km/hour. Everybody drives about 120 or higher.).
We turn to the small road and spend a lot of time stray on it.
Visit the gasoline station, where we bought the detailed map of Germany and made a new route (with the assistance of people from gas station).
When we passed about 130km from the flat in Berlin we visit one more gasoline station. Checked the oil level. Bought some food.
When we passed other 100km Xavier suddenly stopped. He said the he meet the place name that was not in our route. We stopped and begins to work with map. It was possible to drive forward or turn back. We decided to turn back. Xavier said that its time to find the hotel. I said that I saw one, just 100m back. We turn back at stopped at that hotel. We parked the motorcycle in the back-garden.
At the room I took the bath and writing the diary, lying in the bed. Xavier agreed with the girl in the restaurant to have breakfast at 6.30am. We put the alarm clock at 6am and felt asleep.