October 30, 2001, Tuesday. France. Parents.

We wake up rather early. I didnt unpack my thinks, so I was ready immediately. Xavier went somewhere to take the bath. (we didnt have our own bathroom in this Belgium 4 star hotel). We decided not to have a breakfast here, in the hotel, because we thought it would be rather expensive.

We start out motorcycle and drove to the first gasoline station, where be bought some nice food. At this station one man came to us. He saw Russian numbers on our machine. We told him that we arrive here from Moscow we was very surprised and said each time Super! Super! with accent on the last syllable.

After breakfast we continue our trip. Today we must be in France. We didnt stop any more on our way. Xavier ask about the route at the gasoline station and mark it on the paper. So, rather long time we just drove.

At one moment Xavier begins to makes beep, beeeep! BEEEEEP!! And I cant understand why. Than I saw the guide sign that we enter the France!! YES!! We are in France!

Now we are driving in France. We are passing the champagne province, and I can see a lot of different champagne plants with a big bottles on the roofs and in the gardens.

We stooped to made a several calls. Xavier  called to his friends and parents. While he talking with them Im finishing the rest of our breakfast. When Xavier finished, I made a call to my friend Ross Bailey in Paris, and inform him that Im already in France.

Then we keep on driving. Next stop at gasoline station to by the map of France.

We enter France via Belgium (it was at the North from the Paris) and now we are on the way to the house of Xaviers  parents (it was a the South from the Paris). Xavier decide to use small roads and made rather long circle around the Paris. He explain, that small roads are more beautiful and there no traffics jams on them. I said that on this road we couldnt drive at our maximum speed of 80km/h, but than I agreed with Xavier.

The road we drive on was really very beautiful. We passed fields, covered with green grass and fields with vine. The weather was rather variable. It was not rain, but there are some clouds in the sky.

We enter small town and we was blocked in a jam. Now, the weather was much warmer than in Moscow and our motorcycle begins to overheat more often and more faster. So, after next overheat (we have radiator but we didnt have the fan on it) we stopped and wait some time, while our motorcycle get cold.

We spend all day driving, and we stopped only to buy some gasoline.

At evening everything became even more beautiful, because of sunset. Unfortunately, we didnt have a good camera with us to made good pictures.

Soon, after sunset, everything was in dark. We drove via dark fields where was not any light at all. Unfortunately the sky was covered by clouds and I cant saw the stars. But it was full moon and it was not covered! Sometimes its disappeared under clouds, but not for a long time.

I filled tiered to drive! Somewhere inside I began to fill that we must arrive and during next stop I ask Xavier when we should arrive to the house of his parents. He said only ~70km!

We enter some other small town and Xavier selects the road that was absent on the map (he said that this way should be shorter). There we stopped at one moment to check something. At the same moment the full moon was very nice and Xavier made some photos, but he said that its easy to understand, that this photos would be bad, but because it was so nice he must to make them.\

We passed the bridge over big river (Luar). Than we drove a little bit more and Xavier told me that we will arrive very soon. We made several turns and stopped near the house. We made some beeps. While we sitting and realized that we passed so long distance and arrive to some point the women run from housed to us (its easy to guess that it was Xaviers mother). He begins to talk and kiss Xavier. Than the man approach. He made several attempts to made a photo of us, but it was something wrong with his camera. Everybody said hello, how are you but everything in French, so I didnt understand anything.

Than we went to the house. I took the bathroom and went downstairs for a dinner. Xaviers father was very reticence, so I felt little bit inconveniently. But Xaviers mother told me that everything is OK.

After dinner I made a call to Ross again, than Xavier shown we a house (briefly) and we went to sleep.

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